survey: tax season launches with a whimper

tax practitioners say they’re ready for anything. and they may get it.

卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 readers speak out on busy season 2019. clockwise from top left: eckelkamp, alexander, lewis, plum, williams.

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by rick telberg
卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

despite it all. despite a brand new tax law with last-minute final regs. despite a government shutdown that crippled the irs – and the threat of another one in a couple weeks. despite confused, price-sensitive clients, and the usual software glitches.

more busy season: 16 big questions for tax season  |  survey: tax accountants alarmed by tcja & shutdown  |  shutdown: what to tell tax clients during “the lapse”   |  beware the leeches and consultants   |  charitable giving under tcja  |  why padding tax deductions is a risky proposition  |  handling the delay in 199a regs |  survey: clients rush for tcja answers |  yes, home equity loans may still be deductible |  portability: sharing the estate tax exemption 9 secrets to getting irs penalties removed  |  the cure for commoditization  |

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despite it all, tax accountants are going into busy season 2019 brimming with confidence – if doing at least as well as the last year can be considered confident, according to pre-season results from the 2019 busy season barometer.